Labour Inspection OSH Check-lists (Part III)

These check-lists are meant to serve as a tool to improve the working conditions of men and women in various industries and therefore reduce the number of accidents and diseases. They are meant to be used by factory inspectors, employers, workers, and training end educational institutions as a way of facilitating positive changes to working conditions.

Resource list | 14 July 1990
These check-lists have been developed based on the ILO's experience in developing safety and health standards, guide-lines, training activities and advisory services.
They are designed to be an adaptable tool which will allow users to observe, in an organised manner, the strengths and weaknesses of existing safety ans health conditions. Although the emphasis is primarily on the manufacturing sector and physical and environmental factors, these check-lists can be adapted and supplemented for widespread use. By going through the check-list items, the user will be able to systematically review important aspects of the safe use of tools, equipment and safe working practices.