Publications on labour migration

December 2015

  1. Publication

    Internal Labour Migration in Myanmar: Building an evidence-base on patterns in migration, human trafficking and forced labour

    21 December 2015

    This report presents the results of a survey conducted in mid-2015 among 7,295 internal labour migrants across all 14 states/regions in Myanmar. The respondents were interviewed about jobs in 13 industries in the private sector, including construction, mining, agriculture, manufacturing, fishing, forestry, domestic work and others. Analysis of the survey data points to patterns in the recruitment, migration, working and living conditions among respondents, as well as indicators of abuse and exploitation imposed on workers by employers and recruiters.

  2. Publication

    Non-standard working in public services in Germany and the United Kingdom

    19 December 2015

    This paper is focused on those employed in the central civil service and those employed in local and regional government in Germany and the UK.

  3. Infographics

    Fragile states in Africa

    18 December 2015

  4. Domestic Work Policy Brief no. 9

    Making decent work a reality for migrant domestic workers

    17 December 2015

    This document is part of a series of briefs on issues and approaches to promoting decent work for domestic workers.

  5. Publication

    Unacceptable Forms of Work : Results of a Delphi Survey

    16 December 2015

    The objective of this Delphi study was to explore and find consensus among diverse stakeholders on potential dimensions and descriptors of UFW; this, in turn, would serve as a framework to identify what measures could be undertaken to enable transition from working conditions that are unacceptable, to conditions that allow workers to work and live in dignity.

  6. Full report

    ILO global estimates on migrant workers

    15 December 2015

    The statistical study provides estimates of the proportion of labour migrant workers among the total number of migrants worldwide. It outlines the regions and industries where international migrant workers are established and includes a specific focus on migrants in domestic work with updated numbers.

  7. Publication

    Coordination and role of key stakeholders in setting up and implementing policies and procedures to facilitate recruitment, preparation, protection abroad, and return and reintegration: Background paper to the 7th AFML

    15 December 2015

    The ILO Multilateral Framework on Labour Migration has identified a number of guidelines on how best to promote international cooperation on labour migration.

  8. Publication

    Unacceptable Forms of Work : A global and comparative study

    14 December 2015

    Unacceptable forms of work (UFW) have been identified by the International Labour Organization (ILO) as work in conditions that deny fundamental principles and rights at work, put at risk the lives, health, freedom, human dignity and security of workers or keep households in conditions of poverty.The report takes as the central purpose of identifying UFW to devise targeted social and economic policies that aim to eliminate or transform jobs that are entirely unacceptable

  9. Publication

    Flyer: Human Mobility & Climate Change

    09 December 2015

  10. Issue Brief no. 2 - Labour Relations and Collective Bargaining

    Improving working conditions for domestic workers: organizing, coordinated action and bargaining

    04 December 2015

    This Issue Brief examines innovative approaches to workers’ and employers’ organizations and collective bargaining that protect domestic workers from the risk of being engaged in unacceptable forms of work and afford them effective and inclusive labour protection.