News on forced labour

February 2021

  1. Launch of the ILO-RHSF cartoon competition on forced labour

    23 February 2021

    What if your pencil was a tool against forced labour?

  2. © Ninjastrikers 2024

    ILO calls on Myanmar to respect freedom of association and restore democratic order

    10 February 2021

    In the wake of the military takeover that has sparked widespread demonstrations in Myanmar, the Director-General of the International Labour Organization says workers and employers must be able to exercise their right to protest without violence or threats.

  3. Virtual launch of the ILO Arabic-language toolkit for journalists

    Join the ILO and a panel of distinguished employers’ representatives, workers’ representatives and journalists on 24 February 2021, to celebrate social justice, discuss ethical reporting on labour migration and discover the new Arabic-language ILO Media Toolkit on Forced Labour and Fair Recruitment.

  4. Building a future without forced labour

    01 February 2021

    Determined companies of all sizes and sectors, employer and business membership organizations, and business networks are joining forces to end forced labour.

  5. © Federico Taverni, Museo Egizio 2024

    Labour, freedom and happiness: The great driving forces of antiquity

    01 February 2021

    Rodrigo Mogrovejo works for the ILO in Mexico where he deals with contemporary labour standards. His hobby is the study of ancient history, where he sees great relevance to the issues he deals with daily at work.

January 2021

  1. Systemic forced labour and child labour has come to an end in Uzbek cotton

    29 January 2021

    Almost two million people are recruited every year for the annual cotton harvest in Uzbekistan. The country managed to accelerate the fight against child and forced labour during the 2020 cotton production cycle, according to a new ILO report.

  2. ILO and Uzbekistan: Assessing progress towards ending forced labour, promoting sustainable and inclusive employment, expanding social protection and strengthening labour inspection

    27 January 2021

    Uzbekistan's commitment to fostering decent employment opportunities and adhering to labour standards is unwavering. This was stated by the participants of the videoconference “Towards Sustainable Development through Decent Work” held on 27 January 2021.

  3. Chile ratifies the Protocol to Convention No. 29, reaffirming its commitment to fight against forced labour

    20 January 2021

    Chile ratified the ILO Protocol of 2014 to the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 . With the culmination of this process, Chile becomes the third country in South America to take on the challenge of moving forward to become a country free of forced labour.

  4. Decent work for fishing and seafood migrant workers in Asia Pacific

    20 January 2021

    European Union and United Nations continue efforts to support safe labour migration and decent work in the fishing and seafood processing sectors in South East Asia

  5. © Federico Lorenzini 2024

    Portugal reiterates its commitment to combat forced labour

    18 January 2021

    Portugal ratified the ILO Protocol on forced labour, hence joining the 47 other countries that already committed to combat forced labour in all its forms.