Regional Workshop for Employers’ Organisations from the Southern Caucasus and Destination Countries on Strategies against Human Trafficking and Forced Labour

The EU funded regional project “Strengthening of comprehensive anti-trafficking response in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia” takes place in the Caucasus region covering Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia and seeks to contribute to the progressive reduction of trafficking in human beings in these three countries. The Conference is a regional component of the Project and will contribute to the development of a coherent anti-trafficking strategy for the Employers’ Organizations to take action against forced labour and trafficking in human beings

By bringing together the Employers’ Organizations from the countries of origin (Caucasus Region) and countries of destination, the conference will contribute to development of a coherent anti-trafficking strategy of Business and Employers and will encourage better cooperation between the actors. It is envisaged that in both thematic areas practical and specific recommendation will be drafted and especially innovative approaches will be assessed with the view of their replication. The recommendations developed by the Conference are envisaged to contain a number of practical and concrete measures.