Training and employment services for EIIP beneficiaries in Jordan

Press release | 09 February 2023
ILO in Jordan in coordination with different training providers in Jordan including The Project of Jordan Youth , Technology and Jobs under  Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship , National for Employment and Training , Al Balqa Applied University, Jordan Chamber of Commerce, Luminous Group, Education for Training, General Federation of Trade Unions, Al Hussein Technical University, Canadian Education Council, The Jordanian Association for Cut Flowers and Ornamental Plants organized a one day workshop to discuss the development of skills component to enhance skills development and employment opportunities for Syrian Refugees and Jordanian host communities as part of Phase VI Employment Intensive Investment Program EIIP funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through German Development Bank (KfW).

This component is expected to provide market relevant skills development and employment support, for vulnerable women and men and persons with disability, that can build on the opportunity EIIP jobs provide to access career guidance, training, and jobs, and transition from cash-for-work to sustainable employment and entrepreneurship skills .

The project is targeting 1165 beneficiaries from the EIIP project in the northern and middle governorates of the country to benefit from this opportunity.

Amman, Jordan – ILO in Jordan conducted one day workshop for different training providers to set up a Brainstorming Workshop under Skills and Enterprise component. This component aims to train EIIP Workers on skills needed and highly demanded in the market to make them able to engage in it by finding them occupations in addition of entrepreneurship by making them able to establish their own business. This Workshop objective was to determine sectors and sub-sectors that are highly demanded in market by engaging ILO team and most of stakeholders in Jordan by explaining the purpose of the workshop and the target of this project.

The workshop was led by the ILO team Mr. Kishore Kumar Senior Skills and Employability Specialist in the ILO Regional Office. Mr. Shailendra Jha Kumar the ILO Chief Technical Advisor for the EIIP Project in Jordan, Mr. Klaus Kirchmann KfW Senior Portfolio Manager at the KFW and Mr. Abdallah Jaradat the ILO Skills Assistant in the ILO Office in Amman.

Mr. Qais Qatamin ILO Chief Technical Advisor presented the opening remarks for the workshop focusing on the importance of the skills component in the ILO projects as a graduation mechanism especially in EIIP projects to help beneficiaries getting the proper training that will help them to access the labour market and will reflect on decreasing the unemployment rates that are becoming worrying not only in Jordan but also in the world. the opened the workshop

The discussion by partners led to focus on the following sectors as potential sectors to be considered in developing the skills component: Hospitality, Tourism, Beauty, Industrial , Construction, Agriculture, ICT, Cyber Security, Flower Arrangement, Tv Production, Logistics, Sewing, Business Support Services, Manufacturing & Engineering.

The following steps will consider thorough analysis for the market needs for the above sectors and profiling for the beneficiaries to match their skills to the potential skills training and placement.

The project has started in 2016 in Jordan in response to the Syrian crisis and to help Jordan Government in facing the challenges related to the Syrian influx. It focuses on increasing short term employment through improving infrastructure and environment and to provide young youth with skills that will support them to find longer job opportunities.

The project is inclusive for Jordanian , Syrians , Men and Women and Persons with disability.