Tools and Services on Social Dialogue and Tripartism


  1. Web page

    Toolkit: Y2Y (Youth to Youth) Toolkit

    08 August 2017

  2. Web page

    Course: (Turin) Macroeconomic policies, jobs and inclusive growth (annual)

    08 August 2017

  3. Web page

    Course: (Turin) Employment Policy Course (annual)

    08 August 2017

  4. Employment Policy Brief

    New automation technologies and job creation and destruction dynamics

    12 May 2017

    This policy brief addresses the following question: is the labour-replacing potential of the technological revolution so far-reaching that it is inherently different from what has been experienced in the past, and on balance is an inhibitor rather than a generator of decent work?

  5. Publication

    Zambia’s Employment Outlook: Diversification, Formalization and Education

    26 April 2017

    EMPLOYMENT Working Paper No. 212

  6. ILO What Works Research Brief No. 7

    Regulating the use of temporary contracts by enterprises

    09 March 2017

    The use of temporary employment allows enterprises to adjust their workforces to changing circumstances. However, an over-reliance on the use of temporary workers can lead to productivity challenges, both for individual firms and for the overall economy. Legislation governing the use of temporary contracts plays an important role in influencing firms’ decisions on how intensively to rely on temporary labour.

  7. Series: Guides for Integrated Rural Access Planning and Community Contracting in the Water and Sanitation sector

    Community Contracting to execute public works and manage services: Guide No. 3

    15 February 2017

  8. Publication

    The role of labour market and sectoral policies in promoting more and better jobs in low middle income countries: Issues, evidence and policy options: The case of India

    19 January 2017

    EMPLOYMENT Working Paper No. 206


  1. Publication

    The role of labour market and sectoral policies in promoting more and better jobs in China: Issues, evidence and policy options

    25 November 2016

    EMPLOYMENT Working Paper No. 208

  2. ILO What Works Research Brief No. 5

    Employment Protection Legislation to Promote Quality of Job Creation

    02 November 2016

    An effective system of Employment Protection Legislation (EPL) must balance, among other things, the needs of workers for income and job security with employers’ need to adjust the workforce in an increasingly dynamic world of work. Indeed, rather than debating the benefits of more versus less EPL, more attention should be paid to the correct design of EPL, its interaction with other benefits, and its implementation and effective enforcement.