Discussion guide on Labour Migration

Discussion forum | 06 June 2017
Download the discussion guide in Excel format, fill-in and then send to decentwork@ilo.org

Tip: the discussion should first establish the factual basis and then consider the actual implementation of the respective policies and actions.
  1. How many migrant workers
    1.  leave your country per year to work abroad?
    2. enter into your country to work?
    3. return to your country per year after having worked abroad? How many/which percentage of these migrant workers are considered to be in an irregular situation? How many of them are working in the informal economy?

  2. Does the national programming framework of your country address international migration issues, both from the perspective of the country of origin, country of destination, and country of transit?

  3. Does government conduct a realistic assessment of its labour migration needs, for example through demographic or labour market or economic projections?

  4. Does government promote the integration of migrant workers in workplaces and societies where they live and work? 

  5. Does government protect migrant workers from human trafficking, forced labour, other forms of labour exploitation, or discrimination?

  6. Does your country facilitate the coordination of social security, including portability of social security benefits accumulated by migrant workers, in collaboration with other countries?

  7. Did your country ratify or does it intend to ratify relevant normative instruments, such as the ILO Migration for Employment Convention (Revised), 1949 (No.97) and the Migrant Workers (Supplementary Provisions) Convention, 1975 (No.143) or the UN International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families, 1990, to devise measures aimed at protecting migrant workers and optimizing the impact of labour migration on employment and development?

  8. Does government take measures to address the problems and specific abuses women often face in the migration process, in particular in destination countries, in respect of working conditions (e.g., wages, working time)?

  9. Are national and/or sub-regional workers’ and employers’ organizations actively involved in shaping, implementing and monitoring labour migration policies, regulations and practices?