Discussion guide on Employment-rich Economic Growth

Discussion forum | 06 June 2017
Download the discussion guide in Excel format, fill-in and then send to decentwork@ilo.org

Tip: the discussion should first establish the factual basis and then consider the actual implementation of the respective policies and actions.
  1. What has been your country’s economic growth rate over the last ten years (overall and in terms of GDP per capita)?

  2. What has been your country’s performance in terms of employment creation over the last ten years (number of jobs created/shed in absolute figures, unemployment rate, and growth/decline in the labour force)?

  3. Do such statistics also include an estimate of the number of “working poor”, i.e. workers who are unable to earn enough to lift themselves and their family members above the national poverty line?

  4. Does the national development framework explicitly consider the impact of economic growth on employment creation for different groups of women and men?

  5. Has government devised policies and strategies promoting “job-rich” growth i.e. a pattern of economic growth that generates more and better jobs?

  6. Has government devised policies and strategies promoting “pro-poor” growth i.e. a pattern of economic growth that targets poor women and men in rural and urban areas, including in the informal economy?

  7. Does government consider employment as a central goal of national development strategies?

  8. Does government explicitly consider not just the number but also the quality of jobs created (wage or income level, working conditions, social security coverage, rights of workers)?

  9. Has government adopted strategies and/or policies to support the “working poor?