Discussing next steps toward advancing universal health coverage through cooperatives

During the Geneva Health Forum in April 2018, the research findings on the potential of cooperatives in advancing universal health coverage were presented to discuss next steps with a range of stakeholders.

Actualité | 26 avril 2018
The ILO has joined forces with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), NorWest Co-op Community Health (Canada) and Federazione Sanità Confcooperative (Italy) on a research project to explore the potential of cooperative, mutual and other social and solidarity economy organizations (SSEOs) in advancing universal health coverage in Cameroon and Kenya.

Directed by Jean-Pierre Girard, former board member of the International Health Cooperative Organization (IHCO) (2001-2013), the research has identified great interest of cooperatives in both countries to extend their activities into health and social care. The research team presented the findings at the Geneva Health Forum held from 10-12 April 2018 and discussed next steps including the design of an intervention strategy in Cameroon and Kenya. For more information see here.