Part-Time Work Convention

Guatemala ratifies the Part-Time Work Convention, 1994 (No. 175)

Guatemala becomes the 17th country to have ratified Convention No. 175

News | 01 March 2017
On 28 February 2017, the Government of Guatemala deposited the instrument of ratification for the Part-Time Work Convention, 1994 (No. 175).

In depositing the instrument of ratification, the Minister of Labour and Social Planning, Ms Leticia Teleguario Sincal stated: “ On 17 February 2017, Guatemala ratified Convention No. 175 on Part-Time Work, thus recognizing the importance of protecting fundamental rights at work for this particular category of workers, which often finds itself in situation of inequality and lack of protection. One of the immediate benefits in applying this Convention will be to bring to part-time workers decent labour conditions, such as social security, holidays, wage bonuses and other work related benefits. We trust that the ratification of Convention No. 175 will enable to consolidate the new social dialogue dynamics in the country and will translate in an instrument to promote decent work.”

In receiving the instrument of ratification, Mr Guy Ryder, Director-General of the ILO stated: “I am pleased to announce that Guatemala has joined other ILO member States as a party to the Part-Time Work Convention and is now the first Latin American country to have ratified this important Convention. Convention No.175 recognizes the key role of part-time work in facilitating additional employment opportunities, and underlines the need to ensure protection for part-time workers in the areas, amongst others, of freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, discrimination in employment, working conditions and social security. With this ratification, Guatemala becomes the 17th country to have ratified Convention No. 175.”

Convention No. 175 entered into force on 28 February 1998 and will enter into force for Guatemala on 28 February 2018, which is 12 months after the date of registering its ratification.