Your voice at work. Global report under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work. Report of the Director-General, 2000

Reports on freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining in ILO member States. Reviews the challenges and opportunities that globalization and social change present to the world of work, and their implications for freedom of association and collective bargaining and summarizes major trends in respect of these principles and rights. Assesses ILO assistance in their promotion and suggests a framework for future ILO action.

Your voice at work underscores the crucial role of freedom of association and the effective right to collective bargaining in achieving decent work for all in today’s globalizing world. It outlines the challenges and opportunities that accelerated structural and technological change has brought in its wake and examines trends – some of them quite disturbing – in relation to the respect shown for these principles and rights around the globe. The Report regrets that violations are still occurring and stresses how good governance of the labour market based on respect for these principles and rights can contribute to stable economic, social and political development.

After assessing the effectiveness of ILO assistance in this area, Your voice at work draws lessons from this experience to enable the ILO and other institutions to incorporate better the exercise of freedom of association in strategies for equity and poverty reduction. The Report points to priorities for technical cooperation aimed at reinforcing these individual and collective principles and rights. These include:
- closing the representational gap for workers and employers;
- encouraging agreed methods of bargaining and cooperation as facilitators and shapers of change;
- reinforcing policies that underpin respect for freedom of association and collective bargaining as part of the package that makes up the 1998 ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work – an important new promotional tool.

As a result of a growing awareness of the need for a social pillar in the global economy, consensus has emerged around a set of principles and rights at work – the first category of which is freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining (the remaining three are the elimination of forced labour, child labour and discrimination in employment and occupation).