Forced labour and human trafficking. Handbook for labour inspectors

This handbook aims to raise awareness of these issues and to examine them in the context of labour inspection, highlighting how labour inspectors can play an active role in the global fight against forced labour and human trafficking.

Bonded labour, forced child labour, forced labour linked to migration, and organized criminal trafficking in the sex industry are all forms of forced labour. There are over 12 million people currently in forced labour throughout the world, and over 2.4 million trafficked peoples. It is a global problem affecting both industrialised and developing countries, robbing workers of their basic rights and exploiting vulnerabilities.

This handbook aims to raise awareness of these issues and to examine them in the context of labour inspection, highlighting how labour inspectors can play an active role in the global fight against forced labour and human trafficking. It is designed for use in training seminars and as a reference book for policy development. It includes two adaptable training modules and a CD-ROM containing relevant training materials. Written in a clear and concise style, this handbook provides an accessible guide to enabling labour inspectors to help combat this complex and widespread problem.