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Resources for constituents

In 2019, the International Labour Organization (ILO) celebrates its 100th anniversary. The Centenary will be a celebration of the ILO’s achievements and will reaffirm the ILO’s position as the authoritative global organization for the world of work.

News | 02 January 2019

Universal and lasting peace: The ILO Centenary

A century ago, the founders of the ILO recognized the importance of social justice in securing peace, against a background of the exploitation of workers in the industrializing nations of that time.

Key dates and activities

This ILO100 calendar highlights the main events at the global, regional and national levels during the Centenary year, the most significant of which will be the International Labour Conference, in June 2019. The list of events is constantly evolving and this page will be regularly updated during the year.

For more information, please contact the ILO 2019 Taskforce

Centenary tagline

The Centenary tagline which accompanies the visual identifier has two dimensions: "Advancing social justice, promoting decent work". The tagline echoes the ILO conference resolution on Advancing Social Justice through Decent Work (2016), and reaffirms the relevance of the ILO's social justice mandate and decent work agenda for all. 

Centenary tagline
International Labour Organization
Advancing social justice, promoting decent work International Labour Organization
Faire avancer la justice sociale, promouvoir le travail décent Organisation internationale du Travail
Impulsar la justicia social, promover el trabajo decente Organización Internacional del Trabajo
الدفع قدماً بالعدالة الاجتماعية، تعزيز العمل اللائق منظمة العمل الدولية
推进社会正义,促进体面劳动 国际劳工组织
Sociale rechtvaardigheid bevorderen, waardig werk promoten Internationale Arbeidsorganisatie
Förderung sozialer Gerechtigkeit durch menschenwürdige Arbeit Internationale Arbeitsorganisation
Promuovere la giustizia sociale e il lavoro dignitoso Organizzazione Internazionale del Lavoro
社会正義の拡大、ディーセント・ワークの推進 国際労働機関
Promover a justiça social e o trabalho decente Organização Internacional do Trabalho
Продвигать социальную справедливость, содействовать достойному труду Международная организация труда (МОТ)
Gelişen sosyal adalet, insana yakışır iş Uluslararası Çalışma Örgütü
Thúc đẩy công bằng xã hội, tăng cường việc làm bền vững Tổ chức Lao động Quốc tế

Visual identity and templates

To download and use the ILO100 visual identity, please contact:

Videos for download

A number of videos are available for you to download and share or to use in events.

Access the Centenary video album on Vimeo.

Centenary Social Wall

Get a panorama of all events and actions on the Centenary Social Wall, which curates and highlights from Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and other social media.

Promotional materials and souvenirs

To download ILO100 promotional items, please contact:

Global campaign

To mark the ILO's Centenary, a new campaign has been launched to raise awareness about the ILO and its mission to advance social justice and promote decent work. For more information about the campaign, write to

Social media

The hashtag to use in all social media is: #ILO100 (English); #OIT100 (French and Spanish). 

Access the ILO Trello Social Media resources. 

Photo database

A new version of the ILO photo library is now available, containing a wealth of images from ILO history, events and people over the last century. Additional videos, audio and other multimedia assets are also available.