Supporting the decent work agenda

In his opening remarks at the ILO Forum on Decent Work For a Fair Globalization, the Prime Minister of Portugal, Mr. José Socrates, called on global support for the decent work agenda, a strategy which he said promotes sustainable and inclusive growth.

Date issued: 01 November 2007 | Size/duration: 00:03:18 (6.7 MB)
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English translation:

The connection between globalization issues, labour, and questions of standards and social cohesion is, in fact, at the very heart of this complex equation.

And that is what we are here to talk about: work, if it is decent, is the best, most powerful, and most sustainable guarantor of economic progress and people’s social integration.

In the Decent Work Agenda, therefore, I can see the mobilizing and integrating potential that the Lisbon Agenda has had for Europe.

And I fully support the decent work concept as a strategy to be shared by all at world level, with employment and dignity as fundamental bases of development strategies that truly promote sustainable and inclusive growth.