Closing workshop for the Labour Inspection in Agriculture Campaign

A closing workshop for the Labour Inspection in Agriculture Campaign was held in Chisinau on 20-22 December 2011. It was organized by the State Labour Inspectorate of the Republic of Moldova with financial and technical support from the ILO.

Workshop | Chisinau, Moldova | 22 December 2011

Closing workshop for the Labour Inspection in Agriculture Campaign

Chisinau, Moldova

(20-22 December 2011)

The workshop was attended by 45 representatives of the National Labour Inspectorate, the National Centre for Public Health, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry and employers’ and workers’ organizations. Four representatives of the National Labour Inspectorate of Romania also attended the workshop. The aims of the workshop were to present the results of the national campaign and to discuss the lessons learned.

The event was an opportunity to discuss the main achievements of the campaign, which focused on occupational risks in the use of pesticides and in operating tractors. The ILO provided support for the production of posters and leaflets to raise awareness on preventive measures as well as the need to reduce undeclared work. The labour inspectorate was also supplied with a checklist and management tool to assist inspectors when carrying out visits, monitoring and assessing results. The campaign also included a five day training for labour inspectors in Chisinau from 26 to 30 September 2011.

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