National Master Plan on Occupational Safety, Health and Environment (2012 – 2016)

The Ministry of Labour of Thailand, by the Department of Labour Protection and Welfare, has issued Master Plans on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) to provide directions for the development of OSH in the country. Its vision is “Decent Safety and Health for Workers”.

Policy | 01 December 2012
This 3rd OSH Master Plan was developed by integrating the OSH Master Plan of the Ministry of Labour with the Action Plan for the National Agenda “Decent Safety and Health for Workers”. The National Agenda has been placed as the main target to achieve, with the four missions: 1) Establish or develop OSH standards, 2) Monitor, control and follow-up OSH issues those are problematic, 3) Develop and promote OSH activity, and 4) Develop OSH management system.

The National Master Plan covers five strategies: 1) Promoting labour protection with effective OSH standard; 2) Promoting and strengthening the capacity of OSH networks; 3) Developing and managing OSH knowledge; 4) Developing OSH information system; developing effective mechanism for OSH administration. For each of them, detailed goals, strategic approaches, and key performance indicators are presented.

Chapter 2 presents the OSH situation, trend and analysis of important factors contributing to the development of OSH in Thailand. Chapter 3 outlines the vision, mission, goals, strategies and strategic approaches and key performance indicators of the Plan. Chapter 4 details the mechanisms on implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Appendix 2 presents the National Committee on the Administration of National OSH Agenda, while Appendix 3 lists the Sub-committee on the Development, Monitoring and Evaluation of the National Master Plan on Occupational Safety, Health and Environment.