Decision on the Addendum to the report of the Director-General - Obituaries

Conference paper | Institutional Section | 29 October 2018

Mr Ali Ibrahim

The Governing Body paid tribute to the memory of Mr Ali Ibrahim and invited the Director-General to convey its condolences to the family of Mr Ibrahim and to the Organization of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU).

(GB.334/INS/13(Add.), paragraph 7)

Mr Birahima Nacoulma

The Governing Body paid tribute to the memory of Mr Birahima Nacoulma and invited the Director-General to convey its condolences to the family of Mr Nacoulma, to Business Africa and to the International Organisation of Employers (IOE).

(GB.334/INS/13(Add.), paragraph 13)

Mr Bernard Boisson

The Governing Body paid tribute to the memory of Mr Boisson and invited the Director-General to convey its condolences to the family of Mr Boisson, to the International Organisation of Employers (IOE), and to the Movement of French Enterprises (MEDEF).

(GB.334/INS/13(Add.), paragraph 17)