Decision on the seventh item on the agenda: Report of the Director-General First Supplementary Report: Report of the Committee set up to examine the representation alleging non-observance by Romania of the Protection of Wages Convention, 1949 (No. 95), made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution by the Federation of Free Trade Unions of the Chemical and Petrochemical Industries (FSLCP)

Record of decisions | 20 June 2017

Decision on the seventh item on the agenda: Report of the Director-General

First Supplementary Report: Report of the Committee set up to examine the representation alleging non-observance by Romania of the Protection of Wages Convention, 1949 (No. 95), made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution by the Federation of Free Trade Unions of the Chemical and Petrochemical Industries (FSLCP)

In light of the Committee’s conclusions, and following its recommendations, the Governing Body:

(a) approved the report contained in document GB.330/INS/7/1;

(b) invited the Government and the complainant to provide the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations with detailed information on the application of articles 11 and 12 of the Convention and on the functioning of the Wage Guarantee Fund, in the context of the supervision of the application of Convention No. 95 in 2017;

(c) made the report publicly available and closed the procedure initiated by the representation made by the Federation of Free Trade Unions of the Chemical and Petrochemical Industries (FSLCP)

(Document GB.330/INS/7/1, paragraph 34.)