Decision on the tenth item on the agenda: Complaint concerning non-observance by Guatemala of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), submitted by delegates to the 101st Session (2012) of the International Labour Conference under article 26 of the ILO Constitution

Record of decisions | 10 November 2016

Decision on the tenth item on the agenda: Complaint concerning non-observance by Guatemala of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), submitted by delegates to the 101st Session (2012) of the International Labour Conference under article 26 of the ILO Constitution

Noting the steps which had been taken, and those which still needed to be taken urgently to implement the roadmap, and the recent submission to the Parliament on 27 October 2016 of the two draft acts mentioned in paragraph 54 of the report in document GB.328/INS/10(Rev.), the Governing Body:

(a) expressed the firm expectation that it would be informed before the 329th Session (March 2017) of the passage into law of legislation that fully conformed with the conclusions and recommendations of the ILO supervisory system and with Convention No. 87;

(b) decided to consider, at its 329th Session (March 2017), appropriate measures to support the full implementation of these acts;

(c) requested the Government of Guatemala to report at its 329th Session (March 2017) on the measures taken to fully implement all the key indicators and the roadmap so that the Governing Body would be able to observe tangible progress;

(d) called on all parties to engage in constructive social dialogue to promote that progress;

(e) deferred further consideration of setting up a Commission of Inquiry to its 329th Session (March 2017) in light of the information referred to in subparagraphs (a), (c) and (d) above;

(f) invited the international community to facilitate the necessary resources to enable the office of the representative of the Director-General in Guatemala to strengthen its support for the tripartite constituents in implementing the Memorandum of Understanding and the roadmap.

(Document GB.328/INS/10(Rev.), paragraph 56, as amended in light of the discussion of the Governing Body.)