Decision on the fifth item on the agenda: Sectoral meetings held in 2016

Record of decisions | 03 November 2016

Decision on the fifth item on the agenda: Sectoral meetings held in 2016

The Governing Body:

(a) took note of the reports of the two meetings referred to in section I of document GB.328/POL/5 and of the interim report of the Joint ILO–UNESCO Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendations concerning Teaching Personnel (CEART);

(b) authorized the Director-General to communicate the reports of the two meetings referred to in section I of document GB.328/POL/5 to governments, requesting them to communicate the reports to the employers’ and workers’ organizations concerned, and to the international employers’ and workers’ organizations and other international organizations concerned;

(c) requested the Director-General to bear in mind, when drawing up proposals for future work, the recommendations for future action by the ILO made by the meetings referred to in section I of document GB.328/POL/5;

(d) approved the convening of the Subcommittee on Wages of Seafarers of the Joint Maritime Commission in the first half of 2018;

(e) authorized the Director-General to communicate the interim report of the CEART, along with the observations made by the Governing Body, to the governments and organizations concerned, and invited them to take the necessary follow-up action as recommended therein.

(Document GB.328/POL/5, paragraph 11.)