Decision on the ninth item on the agenda: Matters relating to the Administrative Tribunal of the ILO Workload and effectiveness of the Tribunal

Record of decisions | 04 November 2015

Decision on the ninth item on the agenda: Matters relating to the Administrative Tribunal of the ILO

Workload and effectiveness of the Tribunal

The Governing Body requested the Director-General:

(a) to initiate without delay discussions with the European Patent Organisation (EPO), in consultation with the Tribunal as required, in order to identify a solution to the difficulties caused by the number of complaints generated within the EPO and which threaten the ability of the Tribunal to serve all other member organizations, and to report to the Governing Body at its next session;

(b) to prepare draft amendments to the Tribunal’s Statute relating to Article XII and the conditions of admission of new organizations, for consideration by the Governing Body.

(Document GB.325/PFA/9/1(Rev.), paragraph 33, as amended by the Governing Body.)