Decision on the 16th item on the agenda: Outcome of the Fourth United Nations Conference for the Least Developed Countries (Istanbul, May 2011): Request for the integration of the Istanbul Programme of Action into the work programme of the ILO

Record of decisions | 17 November 2011

Decision on the 16th item on the agenda: Outcome of the Fourth United Nations Conference for the Least Developed Countries (Istanbul, May 2011): Request for the integration of the Istanbul Programme of Action into the work programme of the ILO

The Governing Body, on the recommendation of its Officers, requested the Director-General to:

(a) consider the recommendations in the Istanbul Programme of Action when the Office elaborates and consults with constituents in the preview of the Programme and Budget proposals for 2014–15 to be submitted to the Governing Body in November 2012; and

(b) reply to the Ambassador, supporting the recommendations arising from the outcome of the Fourth United Nations Conference for the Least Developed Countries and informing him of current ILO activities of relevance to the outcomes and of the Office’s intention to consider further the outcomes of LDC-IV in its preparatory work for its Programme and Budget proposals for 2014–15.

(Document GB.312/INS/16/6, paragraph 7, as amended)