
Decision concerning the progress report on the follow-up to the resolution concerning remaining measures on the subject of Myanmar adopted by the Conference at its 102nd Session (2013)

Record of decisions | 26 March 2021

The Governing Body:

(a) endorsed the statements of the Director-General on 10 and 23 February 2021 calling for the restoration of democratic order and civilian rule in Myanmar, for workers, including civil servants, and employers to be able to exercise their right to peaceful assembly, and for a halt to the intimidation of workers;

(b) expressed profound concern about developments particularly since 1 February and called on the military authorities to respect the will of the people, respect democratic institutions and processes, and restore the democratically elected Government;

(c) expressed its grave concern about the arrest, intimidation, threats, and acts of violence against trade unionists, as well as the declaration that 16 labour organizations were illegal, and called on the military authorities to immediately cease such activities, and to release from detention and drop any charges against trade unionists who have peacefully participated in protest activities;
(d) expressed its grave concern about measures or orders issued curtailing freedom of expression and freedom of peaceful assembly, recalling that freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of opinion and expression are essential for the exercise of freedom of association. It called for the immediate repeal of such measures or orders and for guarantees of the freedom of the social partners to undertake their functions without threat of intimidation or harm;

(e) reaffirmed that all Member States have an obligation to apply fully, in law and in practice, the Conventions that they have voluntarily ratified and that Myanmar therefore has an obligation to comply fully with the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87). It urged Myanmar to uphold its obligations under Convention No. 87 and to ensure that workers and employers are able to exercise their freedom of association rights in a climate of freedom and security, free from violence, arbitrary arrest, and detention;

(f) called for the Civil Services Personnel Law, the Settlement of Labour Disputes Law, and the Labour Organization Law to be amended without delay, once the democratically elected government has been restored, consistent with the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87);

(g) urged Myanmar to respect and protect the status of the ILO Liaison Office in Myanmar (ILO–Yangon) and all ILO staff in Myanmar and to refrain from undue interference in its operations in keeping with the principles of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies of 21 November 1947;

(h) requested the Office to report to the Governing Body on what additional measures the ILO can take to promote a restoration of worker rights; and

(i) requested the Director-General to report to the 342nd Session (June 2021) of the Governing Body on developments in Myanmar.

(GB.341/INS/17(Add.1), paragraph 38, as amended by the Governing Body)