335th Session of the ILO Governing Body

Decision concerning the strategic plan for engagement with United Nations system bodies and relevant regional organizations regarding the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169)

Record of decisions | 25 March 2019
The Governing Body requested the Director-General to:

(a) implement the strategic plan, taking into account guidance given by the Governing Body;

(b) take into consideration the strategic plan and the guidance given in the discussion in the preparation of future programme and budget proposals, in order to enable the Office to engage in a sustained and strategic manner with the United Nations system and regional organizations in all regions; and

(c) report on the strategic plan’s implementation at the Governing Body’s next follow-up discussion, in November 2020, on the Strategy on indigenous peoples’ rights for inclusive and sustainable development.

(GB.335/POL/2, paragraph 20, as amended by the Governing Body.)