Strategy and policy evaluations


  1. Effective Labour Protection for All: Lessons learned from a synthesis review, 2004–2014 - Executive Summary

    21 May 2015

    Background Paper for the Recurrent Discussion under the ILO Declaration on Social Protection (Labour Protection), 104th Session, 2015.


  1. Independent evaluation of the ILO's strategy for coherent decent work policies

    20 October 2014

    The evaluation assesses the ILO’s Outcome 19 strategy at global level and its contribution in supporting Member States to adopt coherent decent work (DW) policies through integrated approaches. This evaluation aims to identify the major achievements and obstacles encountered in order to extract the lessons learned and good practices. These are expected to facilitate decision-making on the future course of this area of ILO’s work. The evaluation followed the Organisation for Economic Co-operation’s Development Assistance Committee (OECD/DAC) criteria, customizing areas of enquiry, as is the nature of ILO interventions under Outcome 19. Case studies are contained in Volume II (online only).

  2. Delivering decent work results: A meta-analysis of 15 ILO Decent Work Country Programme reviews

    06 October 2014

    This is a meta-analysis of internally conducted evaluations of Decent Work Country Programmes carried out by regional offices. Recommendations propose ways to improve the quality of these internal evaluations to better inform on the progress of a DWCP and eventually provide useful data and input for independently conducted evaluations.

  3. Decent work results of ILO employment promotion interventions: Lessons learned from evaluations, 2003-2013 - Summary of findings

    16 May 2014

    This is a short summary of the synthesis review which examines a range of ILO project and programme evaluations, as well as evidence-based studies from external institutions to highlight decent work results of ILO interventions in the promotion of employment.

  4. Decent work results of ILO employment promotion interventions: Lessons learned from evaluations, 2003-2013

    16 May 2014

    This synthesis review examines a range of ILO project and programme evaluations, as well as evidence-based studies from external institutions to highlight decent work results of ILO interventions in the promotion of employment.


  1. Independent evaluation of the ILO's strategy on occupational safety and health: Workers and enterprises benefit from improved safety and health conditions at work - Volume I

    18 October 2013

    Although the focus of this evaluation is on the strategy, it also analyses the effectiveness and efficiency of the organizational structure established by the Office to support the implementation of the global occupational safety and health (OSH) strategy while supporting national constituents’ capacities to develop, implement and enforce their own OSH systems. To this end, the evaluation takes a close look at the Programme on Safety and Health at Work and the Environment (SafeWork) to assess how effectively it has carried out its mandated workplan in implementing the global strategy.

  2. Independent evaluation of the ILO's strategy on occupational safety and health: Workers and enterprises benefit from improved safety and health conditions at work- Volume II

    18 October 2013

    Volume II is accesible online only and contains annexes 3,4 which are case studies on Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Cambodia, India, Indonesia and Viet Nam

  3. Decent work results and effectiveness of ILO technical cooperation: A meta-analysis of project evaluations, 2011-2012

    18 October 2013

    EVAL launched a meta-analysis of independent project evaluations in 2010 to provide feedback on the effectiveness and operational performance of technical cooperation. The istructive results shed light on the ILO’s technical and operational strengths and weaknesses in the design and implementation of technical cooperation. Building on experience from this 2010 study, and following an adjustment of the methodology, a new study was conducted in 2013.

  4. Independent evaluation of the ILO's strategy to promote sustainable enterprises and decent work - Volume I

    18 October 2013

    The scope of the evaluation covers 2007 to 2012 and places focus on three indicators under Outcome 3 of the Strategic Policy Framework 2010–15: (i) reform of policy and regulatory frameworks to improve enabling environments for sustainable enterprises; (ii) implementation of entrepreneurship development policies and programmes for the creation of productive employment and decent work; and (iii) implementation of programmes to foster the adoption of responsible and sustainable enterprise-level practices.

  5. Independent evaluation of the ILO's strategy to promote sustainable enterprises and decent work - Volume II

    17 October 2013

    This volume is complementary to Volume 1 containing the full evaluation: Volume II contains annexes 3,4 and 5 covering case studies on Indonesia, Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia.

  6. Independent thematic evaluation of the ILO's work on international labour migration

    09 October 2013

    Evaluation consultants: Melissa Siegal, Elaine McGregor, Vivianne van der Vorst, Bram Frouws

  7. Social Dialogue: What works and why? A synthesis review 2002-2012

    01 May 2013

    This synthesis review examines a range of ILO project and programme evaluations, as well as evidence-based studies from external institutions, to highlight successful interventions and identify challenges in the promotion of social dialogue in the workplace. The study demonstrates that the ILO is a leader in ground-breaking and innovative interventions in social dialogue. Based on the findings of the review, the authors conclude with some recommendations on sustaining the successes achieved thus far, as well as suggestions for addressing the challenges and improvements still to be tackled. [Spanish and French summaries are available]


  1. Independent evaluation of the ILO's sector-specific approach to Decent Work

    01 November 2012

    The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the ILO’s strategy for achieving a sector-specific approach to decent work as outlined in the 2010–2015 ILO Strategic Policy Framework. The point of departure for the evaluation was the strategy as described in the 2010–11 and 2012–13 Programme and Budget (P&B) and reiterated in the Outcome-based Workplan (OBW), taking into account the evolution of ILO strategy from the 2006–2007 and the 2008–09 biennia until 2012.

  2. Independent evaluation of the ILO's sector-specific approach to Decent Work [Case Study Volume]

    01 November 2012

    The case studies are on Collective Bargaining and Dispute Resolution in the Public Service; and the Decent Work Pilot Programme in Morocco

  3. Independent evaluation of the ILO's strategy for integrating inclusive employment policies

    31 October 2012

    The independent evaluation is based on an initial scoping exercise to identify key issues, followed by a thorough desk review of research, reports and programme documentation, a portfolio review organized by country, and interviews with ILO staff, constituents and United Nations (UN) system colleagues. Four country missions and two desk case studies were undertaken. Case studies are contained in Volume 2.

  4. Independent evaluation of the ILO's strategy for integrating inclusive employment policies (Volume for the Annexes)

    31 October 2012

    Case studies for the main report are presented for Bosnia, El Salvador, Indonesia, Malawi, Viet Nam (mission supported). There are also desk case studies of Burkina Faso and Honduras.


  1. Independent thematic evaluation of the Social Finance Programme 2005-2010 - Cluster evaluation of GLO/07/08/GAT, GLO/09/01/LUX, Swiss Development Corporation and other German RBSA funds

    08 November 2011

    Evaluation enterprise: Jacaranda Consult Group

  2. Decent work results and effectiveness of ILO operations: A meta-analysis of project evaluations, 2009-2010

    31 October 2011

    In mid-2011, the ILO Evaluation Unit (EVAL) synthesized the findings, conclusions and lessons learned from 59 independent evaluation reports completed in 2009 and 2010. The purpose of the study was twofold: to present a summary of evaluation results on ILO performance within the framework of the SPF 2010–15 based on a request from the ILO Governing Body to better synthesize information on Office effectiveness and achievement of results; and to establish a baseline, methodology and information system for reporting such results each biennium.

  3. Meta analysis of lessons learned and good practices arising from nine Decent Work Country Programme evaluations

    28 October 2011

    In 2006, the ILO began evaluating the performance of its Decent Work Country Programmes (DWCPs). Between 2006 and 2009, six such evaluations were undertaken and evaluation reports published - covering Argentina, Indonesia, Jordan, Philippines, Ukraine and Zambia. The ILO commissioned this meta analysis in order to derive lessons learned and identify good practices arising from these evaluations.

  4. Independent evaluation of the ILO's strategy to address HIV and AIDS and the world of work (Volume 1 of 2)

    19 October 2011

    The independent evaluation is based on the analysis of key reports and programme documentation, a portfolio review organized by country, project documentation, and interviews with ILO staff, constituents and United Nations (UN) system colleagues.