Tamweelcom - Jordan

Documentación del proyecto | 30 de diciembre de 2015

MFI Information:

Tamweelcom Jordan Micro-Credit Company
Mission: To provide financial and non-financial services to the low-income and productive-poor to improve their social and living standards by adopting and implementing international microfinance best practices.

Decent Work Area:



Productivity and occupational safety and health (OSH)

Non-Financial Services: OSH and productivity individual training and close individual monitoring
  • Sensitisation campaign on OSH
  • Adaptation of the ILO WISE material to microentrepreneurs: The Other-WISE
  • LO’s training of trainers on occupation and safety and health and productivity (based on ILO’s WISE methodology and branded Kafaa by Tamweelcom)
  • Clients’ level training by LO and individual monitoring


These results are from the Before-After analysis

Better safety and health at the work place:
  • Improvements related to material storage and handling received the highest degree of realisation. 1/3 of participants could not complete planned improvements because of their cost.
  • On average participants realized 3 successful improvements with a success rate of above 80% (80% reported good or above working conditions only two-third of them did so at baseline). These are directly correlated with client’s motivation captured in the number of training modules the client willingly took.
Higher levels of production:
  • Participants in the training enjoy a higher production level than the whole sample
  • Positive and significant link between better work environment and level of production

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