ESAF - India

Project documentation | 30 December 2015

MFI Information:

ESAF Microfinance & Investments Ltd. (EMFIL)
Mission: To positively impact the lives of more than 1 million low income families by 2015 by offering them exclusive financial services along with other services like health care, education, housings and livelihood support

Decent Work Area:



Non-Financial Services: Business Development Services

Awareness raising campaign and business development services for the formalization of enterprises. Induce clients to register their business with the aim of long term sustainability


Positive impact on formalisation status and business practices:
  • Strong increase (70%) in registration of businesses with relevant authorities
  • Ownership of bank accounts increased but impact insignificant (2% increase)
  • Awareness about government support schemes was affected positively (multiplied by 3 times in the treatment group but decreased in the control group), yet no increase in usage of government support schemes
  • Maintaining books of accounts improved significantly by 15%
  • Perception of the importance of the household enterprise for income generation increased by 17%
Inconclusive results related to the longer term impact, such as improvement of the social outcomes for the clients – for example:
  • Negative impact on monthly household income: control group sees larger shift from lowest to next income group

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