MF4DW Partner Organizations and Key Results from the Action Research

Project document | 15 November 2011

Microfinance for Decent Work: Innovation Partners

The different MFIs where the MF4DW action research was implemented are listed below. The partners MFIs are presented by innovation area of work. By clicking on each MFI, an individual page can be found, with relevant information regarding the MFI, the innovation implemented and the results achieved.

Microfinance Institution


Innovation Summary

Main Results

Child labour

LAPO Nigeria Awareness campaign against child labour and the introduction of a loan for school associated expenses Marginal impact on school attendance for clients exposed to awareness campaign
NRSP Pakistan Modification to existing health insurance product to extend coverage to all household members Decrease of child labour by 7%, reduction of hazardous occupations, reduction of average hours worked
Nyèsigiso Mali Client training using adapted ILO WIND, GERME and child labour training materials Incidence of child labour decreased by 26% for girls

Risk Management & Over-indebtedness

AMK Cambodia Financial education for clients (indirect approach through educating loan officers) Reduction in late repayments, 10% increase in insurance uptake and better financial attitude towards savings
Banco Popular Honduras Introduction of health insurance product and client training N/A: endline could not be conducted due to delays in implementation of new product
Financiera Confianza Peru Introduction of micro-insurance product “multiriesgo de Confianza” and client training on product and use Positive impact on multiple borrowing/over-indebtedness (28% lower outstanding balance). Positive income effect of 170 USD
NWTF (1) Philippines Introduction of new entrepreneurship training for clients using ILO training modules “Generate Your Business” (GYB) and “Start Your Business” (SYB) 13% reduction in perception of lower barriers to entrepreneurship, increased business profits by 50 USD, reduction in late repayments
NWTF (2) Philippines Modification of a savings products for emergency purposes (Individual Emergency Fund) Strong reduction of cross borrowing (22% reduction in taking out loan to repay another one) and decrease of repayment difficulties
PRIDE Uganda Introduction of new leasing product (Mortgage Asset Financing Loan) Due to methodological issues, Before-After analysis was conducted: Increased assets and better coverage of business and household expenses
TYM Viet Nam Introduction of client training on risk management and microinsurance Decrease of negative attitude towards book keeping, increase attitude towards savings and 22% increase in ability to put money aside for emergencies
VisionFund Cambodia Financial education for clients (direct training of clients) Decrease of negative perceptions towards insurance, 22% increase in ability to put money aside for emergencies, improved attitude towards savings


ESAF India Awareness raising on formalization and introduction of Business Development Services (BDS) to clients 70% increase in business registration, 15% increase in maintaining books of accounts, increased awareness about government support schemes
FCPB Burkina Faso Introduction of sensitization to benefits of formalization, combined with training on enterprise management and client incentives to formalize 26% improvement on business practices, increased number of clients separating business and personal accounts and increased awareness about the importance of social protection

Working Conditions

BASIX India Introduction of Participatory Safety Education to increase productivity and workplace safety of clients and community 11% Decrease in work place illness and injuries, better work safe habits, reduced average daily work hours and increased monthly income by 37 USD
Tamweelcom Jordan Awareness raising on working conditions to clients and community, combined with client and staff trainings using adapted ILO WISE methodology (Work Improvement for Small Entreprises) Before-After analysis: Improvements related to material storage and handling, higher levels of production

Job Creation

Bai Tushum & Partners Kyrgyzstan Organizational restructuring of microfinance section and SME section offering different sets of products Job creation amongst clients (from 92% of clients to almost 100%)
IMON Tajikistan Introduction of entrepreneurship training for women clients Broad implementation of business ideas into practices (258 out of 487 women), majority of women started their business within 3 months