Stories on the pathways to formality

These documents are part of a series of success stories of men and women entrepreneurs engaged in enterprise formalization. Based on interviews with entrepreneurs from different parts of the world, the series highlights their different pathways to formalization and its impact on decent work for the workers they employ.

Story No. 1/2022: Helping young entrepreneurs to formalize their businesses in Nigeria: Insights from a business formalization coach (summary | full story)

Story No. 2/2022: Supporting women entrepreneurs in the Plurinational State of Bolivia: How simplifying business registration and licensing procedures can improve enterprise sustainability (summary | full story )

Story No. 3/2022: Helping local government and business associations to promote the formalization of small enterprises in Zimbabwe (summary | full story )

Story No. 4/2022: “Formalization is the easy part” – How a business formalization coach draws on his own experience as an entrepreneur to help others formalize their businesses (summary | full story )