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Oman Pride[resolved]


Abandonment ID: 00528
Nom du navire:Oman Pride[resolved]
No. OMI (7 chiffres):9153525
Port d'abandon:Sohar, Oman
Date d'abandon:24 février 2021
Date de notification:16 mars 2021
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Gouv. de Libéria (Liberian Flag Administration)
Nombre de marins:14
Nationalités:Géorgie(6); Grèce(5); Philippines(3)
Circonstances:P&I: West of England (Hellas) Limited


The crew reported being unpaid since January 2021.
Actions entreprises:Autres
Upon receipt of the notification / complaint from a
seafarer onboard about non-payment of wages of
seafarers for months of January 2020 and February
2021, the Flag Administration immediately
communicated with the shipowner to rectify the
issue, also notified P&I club for their assistance to
cover the wages.
On 26 February 2021 received a response from the
West of England P and I Club that they will
investigate and process the claim, advising that
local correspondents in Sohar are working with local
agents for vessel attendance.
On 15 March 2021, the Flag Administration followed up
with P and I club for information and update on the
Situation concernant le rapatriement:En attente de rapatriement
Seafarers remained on board the vessel.

Paiement des salaires:En attente de paiement
Undetermined at the moment, covering the months
of January 2021 and February 2021.

Commentaires et observations:Gouv. de Philippines (16 avril 2021)
From Philippine Embassy in London
According to a report given by the Labor Attache to the Philippine Embassy in Oman, he was able to meet with the Chief Executive Officer of Transocean Company, which is the broker of the consignee owner of the oil cargo of Oman Pride. According to his report, the oil tanker was not abandoned but ran aground due to a business misunderstanding between the Greek shipowner and the consignee. The Labor attache said that the Chief Executive Officer of Transocean Company gave the assurance that efforts are being exerted by the consignee that the Filipino seafarers and the other crew will receive their long overdue salaries at the soonest possible time and negotiations are on going with an Aamerican bank to resolve the business impasse.

Gouv. de Géorgie (23 avril 2021)
From Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia
I would like to thank all parties involved in the resolution of this case, especially Mr. Mohamed Arrachedi from the ITF who is constantly monitoring the case of "OMAN Pride" crew and assisting in any ways he can, along with the P&I.
Despite all these collective efforts, the issue of repatriation and payment is not yet resolved and therefore IMO and ILO's increased participation in this case is welcome and needed.

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (27 avril 2021)
From ITF Arab World and Iran Network Coordinator
We do ackonwledge that the seafarers on board have been paid untill March. The main issue for them is now their repatriation that is still not clear as no information at all is being given. However, we would like to inform and emphatise that the disembarked seafarers on the 1st of March have not yet been paid yet. The dismebarked crew are informing and confirming to us that they have not received any salaries since they were repatriated. Today as well, the dismebarked seafarers has informed us again to have not received any payment.

Gouv. de Libéria (27 avril 2021)
From Director of Marine Investigations
This Administration received an information from the vessel financial security provider West of England P and I advising that their local correspondents’ surveyor has attended the vessel and reported that:
1. The wages up to 31st March 2021 of 9 Nos. crew (Philippine & Georgian) who are still onboard the vessel were received on 8th March 2021.
2. The charterer has confirmed to the Master on telecom that the wages of the Master and 5 Nos. Greek nationality crew members were already remitted to their respective accounts.
3. The Charterer further confirmed on telecom that the wages of 10 Nos. crew members (repatriated on 1st March 2021) were already paid.
4. As informed by the Master, the wages were paid by the New Charterer (NIMR INTERNATIONAL LLC).
At this time, we have no information regarding the repatriation of the remaining seafarers, considering the vessel is currently arrested under an Omani Court order.

Gouv. de Géorgie (30 avril 2021)
From Maritime Transport Agency
We believe that court decisions are regarding the arrest of ship, however ships crew should be allowed to leave especially when there contracts are already expired. We are engaged on behalf Georgian crew members. We are struggling to achieve repatriation already 3 months. We believe time has come for decisive actions. We count on your actions and swift decision with regards the case.

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (15 juillet 2021)
This case can now be considered resolved.
All crew have now been paid in full and repatriated. Owners paid for repatriation and most of the wages, however, several crew were left with outstanding wages. West of England have now paid all outstanding balances which were confirmed received by crew yesterday.

Gouv. de Libéria (15 juillet 2021)
West of England P and I confirmed that the outstanding wages of the last 5 Georgian seafarers were already settled for the OMAN PRIDE. Seafarers repatriated and all outstanding wages of seafarers were paid. Resolved.

Saisie: jeudi - 15 juillet 2021 a 16:08:04
Dernière mise à jour: jeudi - 19 août 2021 a 11:21:29
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En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale