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[Friend-3 - resolved]


Abandonment ID: 00604
Ship name:[Friend-3 - resolved]
7-digit IMO no.:9107253
Port of abandonment:King Abdullah, Saudi Arabia
Abandonment date:2 January 2022
Notification date:7 January 2022
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:12
Nationalities:Egypt(2); India(3); Syrian Arab Republic(7)
Circumstances:P&I: unknown

General cargo

12 crew have outstanding wages in some cases of 10 months, others of 4 months.
The crew have informed us that they do not have employment contracts.
Some of the crew say that they want to go home as the agreed period was 9 months and it is over.
The ship appears to have been arrested by the local PSC.
Actions taken:2 January 2022: Flag State informed

Contacted the managers and owners, flag state and the Saudi Arabia maritime authorities.
Repatriation status:Repatriation pending
Payment status:Payment Pending
Comments and Observations:International Maritime Organisation (3 February 2022)
Registered Owner, Operator/Manager: Greece.
Vessel abandoned since 2 January in King Abdullah, Saudi Arabia while having on board 12 seafarers from Egypt (2), India (3) and Syriah (7) who have outstanding wages in some cases of 11 months, others of 5 months. The crew have informed that they do not have employment contracts. Some of the crew say that they want to go home as the agreed period was 9 months which has been passed. The ship appears to have been arrested by the local PSC.
Insurer: Unknown

ITF (10 February 2022)
The crew, at least the ones who contacted us on the basis of the MLC complaint were paid and disembarked in Egypt.

Last updated: Tuesday - 8 March 2022 at 11:27:54^ top

In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization