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Ordinance (No. 1446 of 2013) amending the Ordinance (No. 861 of 2006) to the Act (No. 81 of 2000) respecting pension contributions in work relationships.

Main Region

First Region

Old-age, invalidity and survivors benefit
Regulation, Decree, Ordinance

Second Region

Forskrift (Nr 1446 av 2013) om endring i forskrift til lov av 24. november 2000 nr. 81 om innskuddspensjon i arbeidsforhold (innskuddspensjonsloven).
Introduces a new ss.3 to article 3-2 concerning payment for administration and management of the scheme.

Amends article 3-2 ss.2 concerning regulations on contributions for a member on an annual basis.

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

Electronic region