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Act (449/2012) amending the Aliens' Act (301/2004).

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Migrant workers
Law, Act

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Laki (449/2012) ulkomaalaislain (301/2004) muuttamisesta.
Amends section 35, section 40 ss.1 p.5-7, section 53 ss.6, section 54 ss.5, section 6 ss.1, section 67 ss.1 p.2, section 73 ss.1 and ss.3 and section 79 ss.5 concerning requirements for travel document application, right to residence, length of the first temporary residence permit, granting of a permit, permit application, the Migration Board as authority granting residence permit, employer obligations, unlimited work with the support of other residence permit than residence permit for workers. Section 35 and section 60 ss.1 as amended by Act 631/2011, section 40 ss.1 p.6 and p.7, section 53 ss.6, section 54 and section 79 ss.5 as amended by Act 619/2006, section 67 ss.1 p.2 as amended by Act 973/2007.

Introduces to the Act a new section 52d concerning the granting of residence permits for third-country nationals who have resided and worked in the country illegally.

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