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Act (443/2012) amending the Pension Funds Act (1774/1995).

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Old-age, invalidity and survivors benefit
Law, Act

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Laki (443/2012) eläkesäätiölain (1774/1995) muuttamisesta.
Amends section 6 ss.3, chapter 6 (title), section 45 ss.4 and ss.5, section 48a-48d, section 88, section 100 ss.1, section 100a ss.2, section 116, section 119 and section 121 concerning various regulations related to pension liabilities and solvency capital. Section 6 ss.3 as amended by Act 222/2011, chapter 6 (title) as amended by Act 1323/1997, section 45 ss.4 and ss.5 as amended by Act 85/1999, section 48a as amended by Act 391/2006 and Act 1122/2006, section 48b as amended by Act 1122/2006, section 48c as amended by Act 1122/2006 and Act 222/2011, section 48d as amended by Act 85/1999 and Act 1122/2006, section 88 as partially amended by Act 1323/1997, Act 421/2003 and Act 251/2006, section 100 ss.1 as amended by Act 942/2000, section 100a ss.2 as amended by Act 251/2006, section 116 as partially amended by Act 1323/1197 and Act 421/2003, section 119 and section 121 as partially amended by Act 1323/1997.

Introduces to the Act a new section 48g concerning pension liability, the coverage of pension liability and solvency capital.

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