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Act (No. 9 of 2012) on Labour Disputes.

Main Region

First Region

Freedom of association, collective bargaining and industrial relations
Law, Act

Second Region

Lov (Nr 9 av 2012) om arbeidstvister (arbeidstvistloven).
Contains 6 chapters and 65 articles concerning, inter alia:

Chapter 1: General provisions (articles 1-2, definitions, disclosure).
Chapter 2: Collective agreements (articles 3-10, negotiations for entering into a collective agreement, collective agreement, content, duration, termination, invariability, impact of withdrawal of trade union or employers' association, obligation, liability for breach of the collective agreement, determination of damages for breach of the collective agreement).
Chapter 3: Mediation (articles 11-32, mediators, mediation institution tasks and organization, mediator agreement, disqualification, notice of termination, notification to the national mediator, persons covered by the strike or lock-out, timing of initiation of a strike or lock-out, temporary ban on stoppage of work, notice of mediation, parties and agents, information collection of information, confidentiality, meeting book, mediation termination, voting on mediation proposal, notification of voting results, the commencement of a strike or lockout when a mediation proposal is rejected, later adopting a mediation proposal, resumption of mediation, appeals, parties costs).
Chapter 4: Labour Court (articles 33-59, Labour Court competence and jurisdiction, requirements based on individual contracts of employment, legal action concerning a collective agreement, requirements for Labour Court judges, Labour Court organization, appointment of judges, the Labour Court's composition, disqualification, deputy to a disqualified or absent judge, the proceedings skill, judge pledge, party representatives and process proxies, preparation of the case, assistance to parties, consolidation of cases in common treatment, case management, administration of cases, absence of party agents and counsel, mandatory for witnesses, parties and experts, notice to witnesses, parties and experts, compensation to witnesses and experts, the public and the right of access, court records, court decisions, court settlement, appeals, legal costs).
Chapter 5: Final provisions (articles 60-63, insulting behavior, violation of confidentiality, absence, responsibility for appeals).
Chapter 6: Entry into force and amendments to other Acts (articles 64-65, entry into force, amendments of other acts).

Amends various provisions in Act (No. 62 of 2005) respecting working environment, working hours and employment protection, etc. (Working Environment Act) and Act (No. 2 of 1958) relating to public service disputes (Service Disputes Act).

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

Repealed Text region

Electronic region