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Act (636/2009) amending the Self-Employed Workers' Pensions Act (1272/2006).

Main Region

First Region

Social security (general standards)
Law, Act

Second Region

Laki yrittäjän eläkelain muuttamisesta.
Repeals section 2 (1) p. 2.

Amends section 34 (as partially amended by Act 1099/2008), section 49 (2), section 70 (4), section 75 (1), section 96, section 107 (3), section 125 (1) and section 146 (3) respecting, inter alia, disability pension, income grounds for retirement during remaining period, reimbursement of pension disbursed unfounded, appealing the last pension institution's summary statement and the summary statement of EU decisions and legal framework.

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

Partial entry dates region

    Date of partial entry into force
    Section 34, section 96, section 107 (3), section 125 (1).

Partial End of applicaton region

    Date of partial end of application
    Repealed section 2 (1) p. 2.

Amended Text region

Electronic region