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Act (174/2009) amending the Pension Funds Act (1774/1995).

Main Region

First Region

Old-age, invalidity and survivors benefit
Law, Act

Second Region

Laki eläkesäätiölain muuttamisesta.
Amends section 1, section 2 (1) p. 12 and 13, section 7 (1), section 8, section 78 (1) p. 2 and section 102 (5). Section 1 as partially amended by Acts 391/2006 and 1116/2006, section 2 (1) p. 12 and 13 as amended by Act 391/2006, section 8 and section 102 (5) as amended by Act 421/2003.

Introduces to section 2 (1) (as amended by Acts 288/2000 and 391/2006) a new p. 14 and to the Act a new section 48e and section 48f.

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

Partial entry dates region

    Date of partial entry into force
    Respecting the application of section 48e in some cases.

Amended Text region

Electronic region