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An Act respecting contracts of employment.

Main Region

First Region

Conditions of work; Hotel, restaurant and shop workers; Labour contracts
Law, Act

Second Region

Repeals the Act respecting contracts of work (No. 141) of 1 June 1922/3 and its subsequent amending Acts/4; the Ordinance of 18 Aug. 1917 (No. 64) respecting work in industrial undertakings and certain other establishment; and s. 9 of the Act of 2 Aug. 1946 (No. 605) respecting conditions of work in commerce and offices. Consolidated version (as amended through Act No. 466 of 1996) available in English.

Amending Text region

Repealing Text region

Serial region

    Serial title
    Suomen Asetuskokoelma - Finlands Författningssamling
    No. 320
    Serial title
    Unofficial English translation, with amendments through 1147/1999
    Page range
    28 p.