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An Act further to amend the General Children's Allowances Act [of 26 Apr. 1962: LS 1962-Neth. 2A], the Income Tax Act 1964, the Wage Tax Act 1964 and certain other Acts (merger of the existing provisions on children's allowances into a general, compulsory insurance scheme applying to the entire population and providing coverage for children's allowances from and including the first child and abolition of deductions in respect of children for the purposes of wage and income tax).

Main Region

First Region

Banking, finance, insurance workers; Wages; Workers with family responsibilities
Law, Act

Second Region

Numerous amendments, inter alia, to the General Children's Allowances Act; repeals the Children's Allowances (Employed Persons) Act (LS 1962 - Neth. 2B (consolidation)) and the Children's Allowances (Self-Employed Persons of Small Means) Act (LS 1962-Neth. 2C (consolidation)).

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    Serial title
    No. 709