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Job Placement and Job Seekers' Protection Act (No. 2) B.E. 2537 [1994].

Main Region

First Region

Employment policy, promotion of employment and employment services; Migrant workers
Law, Act

Second Region

พระราชบัญญัติ จัดหางานและคุ้มครองคนหางาน (ฉบับที่ ๒) พ.ศ. ๒๕๓๗
Provides for numerous changes in the 1985 Act by replacing 30 sections or parts thereof with new provisions and adding twenty new paragraphs of which 12 are arranged in two new Chapters. The new Chapter III bis is entitled Skill Testing Institute and regulate the licensing procedure for and organization of aptitude tests prescribed as a precondition for workers to be considered for employment abroad. The fees for such tests are fixed by law and the prohibition against requiring additional fees is severly sanctioned. The new Chapter V establishes a Board for Development of Employment Recruitment and Employment Seeker Protection with a broad governmental representation from different sectors including ministries, the police, and state policy development entities concerned with economy, labour, social affairs and training of labour. The Board shall also have three representatives "with knowledge in employment recruitment and employment seeker protection" including one employer and one employee and the Director of the Office of Administration of Thai Labour Abroad. The functions of the Board include the development of policies, making proposals and rendering advice on issues within the abmit of the law. Further, the responsibility for the issues covered by the law is now shifted from the Minister of Interior to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs which have entailed several changes in the law. While not changing the structure of the protective system, certain clarifications and substantive changes have been introduced. They include the introduction of the possibility for workers who travel abroad at their own expense to be covered by the protection offered by the Fund by making volontary contributions, and that assistance from the Fund can be extended not only to migrant workers themselves but also to their legitimate heirs. The criminal sanctions have been revised and been made more severe.

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

Amended Text region

Electronic region

Monograph region

    Monograph title
    Labour Laws (Revised 1994)
    International Translations Office
    Place of publication
    Page range
    pp. 522-535