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Cooperative Association Act [SBC 1999] c. 28

Main Region

First Region

British Columbia
State or Province
Law, Act

Second Region

Sets up the formation of cooperatives including the approval of the memorandum of cooperative by the superintendent as well as its registration by the registrar. Provides for the ancillary powers of cooperatives. Sets forth the distribution of surpluses, the issuing of shares, the reduction of capital, the signing and breaching of contracts. Other provisions cover membership, shares allotment, and votes. Organizes the general assembly which elects, inter alia, three directors at least. Entitles an auditor, elected by the general assembly, to make a report to the members on the accounts of the cooperative. Appoints a superintendent to inquire into all the conditions under which any proposed association will operate, and advises the promoters of any association as to the formation and organization of the association. Sets forth the amalgamation and winding up of cooperatives. Offences against this Act are sanctionned.

Electronic region

Serial region

    Serial title
    Printed separately
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    29 p.