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Act No. 3266-I on Education (Text No. 1797).

Main Region

First Region

Russian Federation
Education, vocational guidance and training
Law, Act

Second Region

Divided into 6 parts including 58 sections concerning all fields of Public Education. Sections 20 to 24 are related with programmes of vocational education and training. Other provisions concern the protection of teachers' and pupils' health (sect. 51), teachers' wages, their rights, social guarantees and privileges (sect. 55) and labour relations. Provides for 3 cases of dismissal: serious and repeated violation of the establishment's rules, use of educational methods with physical or moral pressure on the pupils and presentation on the workplace in a state of drunkenness or drug addiction. Put into force by Order of Supreme Soviet No. 3267-I of 10 July 1992 (Text No. 1798).

Repealing Text region

Serial region

    Serial title
    Vedomosti S"ezda narodnykh deputatov Rossijskoj Federacii i Verhovnogo Soveta Rossijskoj Federacii
    No. 30
    Page range
    pp. 2221-2258