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Act (2016:145) on the recognition of professional qualifications

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First Region

Education, vocational guidance and training
Law, Act

Second Region

Lag (2016:145) om erkännande av yrkeskvalifikationer.
Provides for general provisions of Directive 200/36/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications (as amended by the Directive of the European Parliament and the Council by the Professional Qualifications Directive 2013/55/EU). Specific provisions implementing parts of the Professional Qualifications Directive which concern only certain regulated professions are contained in the regulations governing the exercise of these professions.

Contains 22 articles and 16 sections concerning, inter alia:

Section 1: Purpose and scope.
Section 2: Definitions.
Section 3: Temporary employment in Sweden.
Section 4: Establishment in Sweden.
Section 5: The definition of recognition of professional qualifications.
Section 6: General scheme for the recognition of professional qualifications.
Section 7: Automatic recognition of professional experience in coordinated professional experience requirements.
Section 8: Automatic recognition of professional qualifications in coordinated education requirements.
Section 9: Automatic recognition under common education principles.
Section 10: Knowledge in the Swedish language.
Section 11: Occupational practice.
Section 12: European Occupational Card.
Section 13: Other provisions.
Section 14: Privacy.
Section 15: Authorizations.
Section 16: Decision procedure and responsibility of the authority.

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

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