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Office work - 4 entradas encontradas

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  • País / Organización: Suecia
  • Office work


CIS 96-1186 Trabajos con pantallas de visualización [Suecia]
Arbete vid bildskärm [en sueco]
Este Reglamento, en vigor el 1 de enero de 1993, sustituye al Reglamento AFS 1985: 12 (CIS 86-1252) con el mismo título. Es de aplicación en el trabajo con pantallas de visualización abarcando los siguientes puntos: diseño de la pantalla; el teclado y la iluminación; diseño del puesto de trabajo respetando los principios ergonómicos; pruebas de visión; trabajo monótono; riesgos del medio laboral como el ruido, el calor, los campos eléctricos y magnéticos; el diseño del software; recomendaciones para la aplicación del Reglamento.
Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen, Publikationsservice, Box 1300, 171 25 Solna, Suecia, 1992. 14 p. Ilus.


CIS 87-3
Computer-assisted work
Datorstöd i arbetet [en sueco]
These recommendations cover the use of computers for administrative and technical tasks and for process control purposes: preparation and training of operators; work organisation and work content (requirements to be met by the working environment with respect to psychological and social factors; measures against social isolation); communication between man and computer (software; irregular response times, malfunctions and interruptions); ergonomic and physical requirements to be met (work posture; noise; lighting; heat and ventilation); accident hazards in the industrial setting; adaptation of systems to handicapped operators. An example of how to develop a system adapted to man is appended.
LiberDistribution, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 6 Feb. 1987. 26p.


CIS 86-1252
Work with visual display units
Arbete vid bildskärm [en sueco]
These regulations (effective: 1 Jan. 1986) apply to CRT display terminals, but do not cover oscilloscopes, measuring instruments, typewriters or calculating machines with luminous displays. They specify that the screen should provide good legibility, that the workstation should be laid out so as to avoid any reflection, and that the working-surface height should be adjustable to obtain an optimal angle of vision. The workstation should be designed so as to exclude strained postures and motions. Any person working more than one hour during a working day at a VDU should undergo a vision test. Employees suffering from eye-strain should be given the opportunity to alternate with other less strenuous tasks. Work with VDUs involving monotonous routines should be avoided. Detailed commentaries. (An English translation is available from Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen, Stockholm).
LiberDistribution, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 18 June 1985. 11p. Illus.


CIS 79-554 Directives on prevention of visual disturbances in cathode ray terminal work (Sweden), 1978
Anvisningar om åtgärder till förebyggande av synbesvär vid avläsning av bildskärmar [en sueco]
These directives (effective 1 Jan. 1979) deal with general lighting, which must be adapted to workplaces where work at terminals plays a predominant role (200-300lx), supplementary lighting for workplaces close to the terminal where other work must be performed, elimination of all sources of glare from the visual fields, possibility of adjusting the viewing distance and angle of inclination of the screen to individual requirements, visual comfort for spectacle wearers, and organisation of work.
Anvisningar nr 136, National Board for Occupational Safety and Health (Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen), Fack, 100 26 Stockholm, Sweden, May 1978. 4p.