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Printing, photography and photocopying industry - 1 entrada encontrada

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  • Printing, photography and photocopying industry


CIS 88-1056
Gosudarstvennyj komitet SSSR po trudu i social'nym voprosam, Sekretariat Vsesojuznogo central'nogo soveta professional'nyh sojuzov
Approval of a standard list of strenuous and hazardous jobs in enterprises of the printing industry for which workers may be awarded supplemental payments on account of working conditions [USSR]
Ob utverždenii tipovogo perečnja rabot s tjaželymi i vrednymi uslovijami truda na kotoryh mogut ustanavlivat'sja doplaty rabočim za uslovija truda na predprijatijah poligrafičeskoj promyšlennosti [en ruso]
This decision 80 of 3 Oct. 1986 brings into force a list of 49 jobs that includes: production of polyurethane resins and fabrication of rolls from the material: preparation of synthetic glues; assembly of printed materials; retouching, printing and mounting of negatives and slides; welding of plastics with high-frequency equipment. This list replaces the one approved by decision No.326/34 of 14 Dec. 1972.
Bjulleten' - Gosudarstvennyj komitet SSSR po trudu i social'nym voprosam, 1987, No.6, p.49-51.