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Metalworking industry - 1 entrada encontrada

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  • País / Organización: Dinamarca
  • Metalworking industry


CIS 77-2036 Notification No.2/1977 to issue directives for the use of coolants and other mineral oil-based products
Meddelelse nr. 2/1977 om retningslinier for anvendelse af køle-smøremidler m.m. samt andre olieprodukter af mineralsk orpindelse [en danés]
These directives (which repeal and replace Directive 11/1974-CIS 74-2019), apply to machining and forming oils and emulsions, and to dielectric fluids for spark machining. They point out the health hazards in using these products (and their additives), and require manufacturers to supply full information on their composition. Recommended safety measures: use only of products guaranteed by the manufacturer; choice of products releasing the least possible amount of fume and vapour; checking condition of product; personnel information of hazard; enclosure of machines and local exhaust ventilation; washing facilities at workpost; personal cleanliness and immediate washing of contaminated workclothes and underclothes.
M nr. 2/1977 Directorate of Labour Inspection (Direktoratet for arbejdstilsynet), Rosenvængets Allé 16-18, 2400 København, Denmark, 31 Jan. 1977. 14p. Gratis.