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Chemical industry - 4 entradas encontradas

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  • País / Organización: URSS
  • Chemical industry


CIS 84-1435 Safety rules for coal-tar chemical production
Pravila bezopasnosti v koksohimičeskom proizvodstve [en ruso]
Safety rules approved 8 Sep. 1981 by the USSR Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy in consultation with other governmental and union organisations. Contents: the plant site; ventilation, plumbing and lighting; general requirements for safe working conditions; process piping and fittings; measuring and control equipment; requirements for electrical equipment; fire protection; inspection, maintenance and cleaning of process equipment; managing the gaseous effluents in coal-tar production, operations involving hazardous gases; coal preparation and coal enrichment; coking and coke quenching; production lines: coke, pitch, chemicals, ammonium and sodium thiocyanates, tar processing, separation of crystalline naphtalene, benzene rectification, etc.; purification of phenol-containing wastewater; responsibility for violation of safety rules. In appendices: model work order for hazardous work; organisation of work under hazardous conditions; instructions for work involving open flames or sparks when there is an explosion hazard.
Izdatel'stvo "Metallurgija", 2-j Obydenskij per. 14, 119034 Moskva G-34, USSR, 1982. 96p. Price: Rbl.0.25.


CIS 78-323 Safety rules for chemical and petrochemical plants where there is a fire and explosion hazard
Pravila bezopasnosti vo vzryvoopasnyh i vzryvo-požaroopasnyh himičeskih i neftehimičeskih proizvodstvah (PBVHP-74) [en ruso]
Contents of this collection of directives: planning of location of industrial premises and their layout; design of heating, ventilation and lighting installations, etc. from the fire and explosion safety viewpoint; operational procedures; design of safety systems and devices (pressure limiting devices, compressors, pipes and fittings); mechanisation of heavy or hazardous work; automation and signalling; location of instruments for detecting explosive atmospheres; corrosion protection; use of inert gases; explosion-proof electrical equipment; auxiliary workshops; anti-gas protection brigades; fire fighting; maintenance and repair (work in confined spaces, preventive maintenance, permits-to-work, etc.); personal protective equipment and personal hygiene; responsibilities).
Izdatel'stvo "Nedra", Tret'jakovskij proezd 1/19, 103633 Moskva K-12, USSR, 1976. 79p. Price: Rbl.0.20.


CIS 74-1156 Occupational safety and health manual for the petrochemical and petroleum processing industries
Spravočnik po ohrane truda i tehnike bezopasnosti v neftepererabatyvajuščej i neftehimičeskoj promyšlennosti [en ruso]
Compendium of texts of USSR regulations and standards. Contents; safety engineering (legal basis; occupational safety and health organisation; labour inspection; protection against fire and explosions; safety at the design and construction stages of petrochemical plants, and commencement of production; pressure apparatus; safety training of workers; notification and analysis of occupational accidents, cases of poisoning and diseases); occupational safety and health (industrial hygiene; threshold limits; medical surveillance of exposed workers; protective garments and personal protective equipment; hours of work and rest breaks; regulations concerning the employment of women and young persons; physical culture; protection against toxic gases, and rescue services).
Izdatel'stvo "Himija", ul. Stromynka 23, 107076 Moskva B-76, USSR, 1973. 2 vol., 454 and 439p. Price: Rbl.2.17 and 2.08.


CIS 74-1153 Gordienko G.G., Emel'janov L.V., Kosinov V.V., Kotljar P.E.
Safe work in chemical plants
Bezopasnost' rabot v himičeskih proizvodstvah [en ruso]
Compilation of USSR regulations and standards covering the following subjects: design and operation of chemical and petrochemical plant involving fire and explosion hazards; premises and equipment for the chemical industry; depots for petroleum and petroleum products; transfer pumps for toxic and flammable liquids; fire protection of heating and ventilating systems; emergency control; gas hazards; rescue equipment for gassing emergencies; work in confined spaces, entering tanks and other chemical plant; work with open flames in hazardous areas; investigation and notification of accidents and dangerous occurrences; supervision of work and processes; inspection of equipment, pipe systems, ventilation systems, effluent cleaning equipment, refrigeration plant, etc.
Izdatel'stvo "Tehnika", Puškinskaja 28, Kiev 4, USSR, 1972. 396p. Price: Rbl.1.90.