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Inorganic substances - 2 entradas encontradas

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  • País / Organización: República Democrática Alemana
  • Inorganic substances


CIS 84-1513 Production and processing of non-ferrous metals - Aluminium powder, pigment paste and water paste [German Democratic Republic]
Gewinnung und Verarbeitung von NE-Metallen - Aluminiumpulver, -pigmentpaste und -wasserpaste [en alemán]
This standard (effective: 1 July 1983) covers enterprises which produce, transport, store or process the title products, and those in which aluminium powder occurs as a by-product. Contents: definitions, technical requirements (workplace organisation, safe distances, remote control, temperatures, surfaces of walls, ceilings and floors), fire prevention measures (storage, contact with other substances, transfer, transport) and fire-fighting.
Verlag für Standardisierung, Standardversand, Postfach 1068, 7010 Leipzig, German Democratic Republic, May 1982. 3p.


CIS 81-1637 Carbon disulfide installations [German Democratic Republic]
Anlagen für Schwefelkohlenstoff [en alemán]
This standard applies to the design and layout of workplaces and equipment for the transfer, storage and use of carbon disulfide, and the methods to be used in these operations. Part 1: general and particular safety conditions for the construction of installations and storage premises. Part 2: safety rules for operation and maintenance of installations. List of pertinent standards and regulations currently in force in the German Democratic Republic.
Staatsverlag der DDR, DDR-1080 Berlin, Mar. 1980. 10 + 5p.