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Safety devices - 1 entrada encontrada

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  • País / Organización: China
  • Safety devices


CIS 93-37
Bureau of Labour Protection, Ministry of Labour
Safety technical requirements for surface planer with fingercap and hood cover [China]
Huzhijianshi he huzhaoshi mugong pingbaochuang anquan jishu tiaojian [en chino]
This standard (effective 1 Oct. 1987) applies to wood planing machines equipped with cutter block guards or guard hoods. It sets forth the safety requirements of working tables, maximum width of throat, structure of cutter block, technical requirements for cutter block knives, vibration limit, noise level limit (less than 85dB), efficiency of cutter block brake, dust control measures, safety requirements for the guards, electrical installation, inspection and labeling requirements. Methods of calculating maximum allowable throat opening are annexed. The appended commentary contains explanations on the standard and comparisons of the standard with American, Japanese and German standards.
In: Reference Collection of National Occupational Safety and Health Standards 1985-1986, China Standards Publishing Co., Beijing, China, Apr. 1988, p.632-650. Price: CNY 11.00 (whole volume).