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Safety supervision - 4 entradas encontradas

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  • País / Organización: Dinamarca
  • Safety supervision


CIS 99-1417 Notificación Nº288 de 17 Mayo 1998 que enmienda la Notificación Nº660 de 1986 sobre el amianto [Dinamarca]
Bekendtgørelse om aendring af bekendtgørelse om asbest [en danés]
Esta Notificación (entrada en vigor el 15 junio de 1998) contiene varias enmiendas que recogen, entre otras, la organización diaria del trabajo en el caso de condiciones penosas. Para la Notificación Nº660 de 1986 véase CIS 88-1763. En el sumario: amianto; condiciones de trabajo; Dinamarca; riesgos para la salud; trabajo penoso; legislación; prohibición de utilización.
Lovtidende A, 26 mayo 1998, vol.69, n°286-288, p.1629.


CIS 78-892 Directives for the implementation of the provisions of the Work Environment Act regarding employment of young persons under 15
Vejledning om arbejdsmiljølovens regler om beskæftigelse af børn under 15 år [en danés]
Contents of these directives, which summarise the relevant Danish legislation: main provisions of the Act (not applicable to domestic work nor to work within families in agriculture or artisanal undertakings); light auxiliary work (max. 2h/day); light remunerated work (max. 2h/school day or 8h/free day, to a maximum of 12h/week during the school year or 40h/week during holidays); dangerous work (prohibition of operating machinery or tractors or handling dangerous substances, etc.); surveillance; authorised work. Appendix: notification by the Ministry of Labour (No.333 of 23 June 1977) concerning light remunerated work for which young people may be employed.
Publikation nr.75, Directorate of Labour Inspection (Direktoratet for arbejdstilsynet), Rosenvængets Allé 16-18, 2100 København, Denmark, June 1977. 11p. Gratis.


CIS 75-1503 Guidelines concerning in-port safety activities during loading and unloading of ships
Vejledning om internt sikkerhedsarbejde ved lastning og losning [en danés]
These guidelines comment the Notification of 15 Nov. 1973 made by the Danish Ministry of Labour concerning in-port safety activities. They explain the reasons for, and the basis and scope of, safety activities in connection with dock work and show how these activities should be organised. They outline the tasks of the safety service and the functions, powers and duties of supervisors, safety officers and employers, and deal with the functions of the safety committee, auxiliary occupations in docks, routine safety activities, training of safety officers, planning for safe work, accident investigation, safety propaganda, campaigns and publicity, responsibilities and competencies. The relevant articles of the Workers Protection Act and the Notification are reproduced.
Directorate of Labour Inspection (Direktoratet for Arbejdstilsynet), Upsalagade 20, 2100 København Ø, Denmark, 1974. 60p. Illus. Gratis.

CIS 75-1246 Notification No. 19/1974 concerning checks of non-encased brake springs in friction clutches of eccentric presses
Meddelelse nr. 19/1974 om kontrol af uindkapslede bremsefjedre i friktionskoblinger til excenterpresser [en danés]
As the breakage of non-encased brake springs may lead to brake failures and repeat strokes in eccentric presses, these directives lay down rules for regular safety checks and periodic replacement of brake springs.
Directorate of Labour Inspection (Direktoratet for Arbejdstilsynet), Upsalagade 20, 2100 København Ø, Denmark, 18 Sep. 1974. 2p. Gratis.